If you own a business then it's important to have your computer systems running 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With Empyrean Solution's rapid support you have access to the support you need when you need it. For emergency support please call 541.699.6850.
Empyrean Solutions offers custom IT solutions for home or business. Utilizing open source technology, we provide creative cost effective solutions without sacrificing quality. We believe strongly that a job, big or small, should be done right the first time.
At Empyrean Solutions we don't stop with computer repair. If you're tired of calling company "A" for one problem and company "B" for another problem, simply call us for both. It's our goal to service all your technical needs.
We provide a wide variety of solutions from setting up your home high speed internet connection to enterprise business support. We also provide data recovery for failed hard drives. No matter what your problem is, the team at Empyrean Solutions is ready to help.
Our flat $45.00 functional computer repair ensures that you can get your desktop up and running without waiting for a quote.
Call us today! 541.699.6850
Empyrean Solutions is a proud supporter of the open source movement.
Remote Support
Are you the pastor of a church? We provide several services to churches, including checkups of sound, computer, and lighting systems. Check out our Services page to learn more about these services.
Providing reliable high quality internet to your congregation while minimizing liability can be a balancing act. At Empyrean Solutions, we provide you with a captive portal that will limit the use of your internet to your congregation only. With our enterprise grade access points you're sure to have great coverage throughout your building for a great price.
Empyrean Solutions services keeps the revival going all week long. Ask about our wedding specials!